Initial Rate | Initial Payment | Reverting Rate | Total Fees | Type | Overall Cost for Comparison | Initial Period (months) | Early Repayment Charge | 5 Year Total Cost | Total Amount Payable Over Term | SchemeID | BaselenderId | TotalFees | LenderName |
2.65% | £456.21 | 7.99% | £1,208 | Fixed | 6.0% APRC | 62m | 62m | £28,430 | £198,240 | 32582 | 80 | 1208 | Virgin Money |
4.25% | £541.74 | 6.99% | £17 | Fixed | 5.9% APRC | 62m | 62m | £31,271 | £193,424 | 15733 | 344 | 17 | HSBC Intermediary |
4.24% | £541.18 | 7.49% | £15 | Fixed | 6.3% APRC | 60m | 60m | £32,551 | £201,540 | 37959 | 75 | 15 | Nationwide B.Soc |
4.32% | £545.67 | 7.99% | £25 | Fixed | 6.6% APRC | 62m | 62m | £32,864 | £208,358 | 42359 | 80 | 25 | Openwork-Virgin |
4.36% | £547.92 | 7.25% | £18 | Fixed | 6.2% APRC | 60m | 60m | £32,973 | £199,238 | 47585 | 220 | 18 | Kensington |
Initial Rate | Initial Payment | Reverting Rate | Total Fees | Type | Overall Cost for Comparison | Initial Period (months) | Early Repayment Charge | 5 Year Total Cost | Total Amount Payable Over Term | SchemeID | BaselenderId | TotalFees | LenderName |
2.65% | £456.21 | 7.99% | £1,208 | Fixed | 6.0% APRC | 62m | 62m | £28,430 | £198,240 | 32582 | 80 | 1208 | Virgin Money |
4.25% | £541.74 | 6.99% | £17 | Fixed | 5.9% APRC | 62m | 62m | £31,271 | £193,424 | 15733 | 344 | 17 | HSBC Intermediary |
4.24% | £541.18 | 7.49% | £15 | Fixed | 6.3% APRC | 60m | 60m | £32,551 | £201,540 | 37959 | 75 | 15 | Nationwide B.Soc |
4.32% | £545.67 | 7.99% | £25 | Fixed | 6.6% APRC | 62m | 62m | £32,864 | £208,358 | 42359 | 80 | 25 | Openwork-Virgin |
4.36% | £547.92 | 7.25% | £18 | Fixed | 6.2% APRC | 60m | 60m | £32,973 | £199,238 | 47585 | 220 | 18 | Kensington |
Initial Rate | Initial Payment | Reverting Rate | Total Fees | Type | Overall Cost for Comparison | Initial Period (months) | Early Repayment Charge | 5 Year Total Cost | Total Amount Payable Over Term | SchemeID | BaselenderId | TotalFees | LenderName |
5.35% | £605.16 | 6.74% | £1,034 | Tracker | 6.4% APRC | 60m | 0m | £37,424 | £199,834 | 18204 | 115 | 1034 | Barclays |
5.64% | £622.48 | 5.64% | £999 | Tracker | 5.9% APRC | 0m | 0m | £38,448 | £187,843 | 26839 | 474 | 999 | Co-operative Bank |
6.39% | £668.35 | 6.39% | £1,465 | Tracker | 6.8% APRC | 0m | 24m | £41,341 | £201,745 | 54528 | 351 | 1465 | Precise Mortgages |
6.39% | £668.35 | 6.39% | £1,465 | Tracker | 6.8% APRC | 0m | 24m | £41,341 | £201,745 | 208089 | 351 | 1465 | 1APP@AMM-Precise |
6.94% | £702.96 | 6.94% | £1,495 | Tracker | 7.3% APRC | 0m | 24m | £43,798 | £212,508 | 225432 | 1097 | 1495 | 1APP@AMM-UTB |
This table is based on a property value of £200,000 and a mortgage secured against that property of £100,000 calculated on a capital and interest basis (repayment mortgage) over 25 years.
Source: Mortgage Brain. This information was last revised on 24 Dec 2024 at 09:53 hours
Disclaimer: This information does not contain all of the details you need to choose a mortgage. Interest rates can fluctuate and this could affect the amount payable by yourself.