Initial Rate | Initial Payment | Reverting Rate | Total Fees | Type | Initial Period (months) | 3 Year Total Cost | SchemeID | BaselenderId | TotalFees | LenderName |
| 4.95% | £977.93 | 7.84% | £15 | Fixed | 38m | £35,415 | 7470 | 628 | 15 | Bank of Ireland |
| 4.99% | £982.90 | 6.99% | £0 | Fixed | 62m | £37,224 | 30584 | 344 | 0 | HSBC Intermediary |
| 5.09% | £995.36 | 7.49% | £15 | Fixed | 36m | £35,413 | 32649 | 75 | 15 | Nationwide B.Soc |
| 5.12% | £999.11 | 7.99% | £1,020 | Fixed | 62m | £35,742 | 32827 | 80 | 1020 | Virgin Money |
| 5.14% | £1,001.62 | 8.24% | £35 | Fixed | 38m | £36,357 | 31200 | 57 | 35 | Leeds B Society |
| 5.15% | £1,002.87 | 7.94% | £1,009 | Variable | 36m | £37,197 | 37183 | 61 | 1009 | Loughborough B.S. |
Initial Rate | Initial Payment | Reverting Rate | Total Fees | Type | Initial Period (months) | 3 Year Total Cost | SchemeID | BaselenderId | TotalFees | LenderName |
| 4.95% | £977.93 | 7.84% | £15 | Fixed | 38m | £35,415 | 7470 | 628 | 15 | Bank of Ireland |
| 4.99% | £982.90 | 6.99% | £0 | Fixed | 62m | £37,224 | 30584 | 344 | 0 | HSBC Intermediary |
| 5.09% | £995.36 | 7.49% | £15 | Fixed | 36m | £35,413 | 32649 | 75 | 15 | Nationwide B.Soc |
| 5.12% | £999.11 | 7.99% | £1,020 | Fixed | 62m | £35,742 | 32827 | 80 | 1020 | Virgin Money |
| 5.14% | £1,001.62 | 8.24% | £35 | Fixed | 38m | £36,357 | 31200 | 57 | 35 | Leeds B Society |
| 5.39% | £1,033.17 | 7.84% | £15 | Fixed | 38m | £37,404 | 44324 | 628 | 15 | Bespoke BOI |
Initial Rate | Initial Payment | Reverting Rate | Total Fees | Type | Initial Period (months) | 3 Year Total Cost | SchemeID | BaselenderId | TotalFees | LenderName |
| 5.75% | £1,079.33 | 6.74% | £1,034 | Tracker | 60m | £39,720 | 28837 | 115 | 1034 | Barclays |
| 5.89% | £1,097.50 | 5.89% | £999 | Tracker | 0m | £40,609 | 26978 | 474 | 999 | Co-operative Bank |
| 6.74% | £1,210.41 | 6.74% | £1,485 | Tracker | 0m | £44,815 | 15582 | 351 | 1485 | Precise Mortgages |
| 6.74% | £1,210.41 | 6.74% | £1,485 | Tracker | 0m | £44,815 | 205487 | 351 | 1485 | 1APP@AMM-Precise |
| 6.74% | £1,210.41 | 6.74% | £1,584 | Tracker | 0m | £44,914 | 205490 | 351 | 1584 | Complete FS-Precise |
| 6.74% | £1,210.41 | 6.74% | £1,684 | Tracker | 0m | £45,014 | 205486 | 351 | 1684 | TMTC-Precise |
This table is based on a residential property value of £240,000 and a mortgage secured against that property of £195,000 (assuming no fees added), calculated on a capital & repayment basis (repayment mortgage) over a term of 35 years (420 monthly payments).
Source: Mortgage Brain. This information was last revised on 24 Dec 2024 at 11:54 hours
Disclaimer: This information does not contain all of the details you need to choose a mortgage. Interest rates can fluctuate and this could affect the amount payable by yourself.